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Educational Projects

Currently implemented projects:

Project „Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for Composites” is funded by the European Union
Grant Agreement no. 101079009 Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03/Twinning

Project title: European Digital Readiness Strategy for Clothing Studies
Acronym: E-DRESS
Project in the frame of the ERASMUS + programme
KA 220: Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education
Project Number: 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023124
Project duration: 1.01.2022 – 30.12 2024.

  • Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) - project coordinator
  • Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
  • Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic)
  • Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi (Romania)

Project leader at Lodz University of Technology: prof. Małgorzata Matusiak, Ph.D., D.Sc.
The project aims to improve the digital readiness of teaching and technical staff by creating course content for clothing studies. Open Education Resources (OER) platform will be developed in cooperation with partner HEIs. The multilingual platform (English, German, Polish, Czech, Romanian) will be developed to break the language barriers in clothing technology area.

Target Groups: teachers, academic staff, students.



Projects completed: